Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The good, the bad and the ugly

Highlights of 2008:

*Graduating from college
*Moving (which meant getting rid of A LOT of stuff)
*Celebrating our 7 year Wedding Anniversary
*Celebrating our 10 Year Anniversary of being together
*Discovering the beauty of expensive jeans
*Celebrating Hannah's 2nd Birthday
*Visiting Austin
*Making up with old friends (You're my someone too... You really are ;-) )
*All of the great friends that have been there for me throughout this year (Debi, Becky, Suzy, Jenny and Elizabeth)
*Hannah as Foofa for Halloween
*Many tattoos
*Making new friends
*Owning a scooter

*C & S living in Corpus 
*Friend fall-outs
*Jamie being sick more times than I can count
*Only having one car
*Spending all of our extra money going to Austin
*High electric bills, AGAIN!

Honorable Mentions:
*Josh urban-camping
*Belgium (For Jamie) I'll always have pictures
*losing weight
*New music

I look forward to 2009.  It is already shaping up to be a busy year so far...

1 comment:

Megs said...

Yay for graduating! That's something you can always be proud of.

Hannah as Foofa? What? Is there a picture?

You should write on here more. I always love to read it.
