Thursday, April 24, 2008

The beginning...

Of the new beginning.

-I'm a professional student
-I like to watch soap operas
-I'm totally addicted to Grey's Anatomy, AGAIN
-I'm interested in watching Lost
-I'm turning off my cable and home phone 
-I DON'T have a myspace.  Well... not one that I use
-I have taken an interest in guns.  Plenty of shooting range hours are in my future
-I can't live without my tivo
-Music is a drug for me
-I have amazing friends
-I love animals
-I'm a vegetarian, and will be a vegan before I know it
-I'm relentless
-I don't forgive easily
-I  enjoy buying expensive make-up
-I always like to park in the same parking space at Sonic
-I have a certain row in the school parking lot that I HAVE to park in
-I'm excited about the new X-Files 2 movie that will come out this summer.  Oh and Sex and the City
-I'm excited about my husband and I celebrating our 10 yr. anniversary (of dating) in June
-I enjoy baking
-I love my life... Again

1 comment:

The Fog Pony said...

YAY!!!! You're back!!!!
The sun is shining down on us......

Did you know I attempted to go to the shooting range for my birthday last year, but it didn't happen due to certain circumstances?!? Let's have a girl's day out sometime and go shoot some metal!