Thursday, January 22, 2009

Enough is enough

Have you ever had one of those days?  You know the ones I'm talking back...  The kind where you just want to climb into bed and pull the covers over your head and forget about the day.  Yep, one of THOSE days.  

So much so, that I turned off my phone.  I NEVER turn off my phone.  

I often wonder why people behave a certain way.  Why somebody wouldn't think about their behavior until after they've behaved badly?  Why people only think about their own situation instead of thinking about the situation that other people are in.  It just becomes more and more difficult to be that kind, patient, understanding person when others aren't that way to you.  I'm the person that is trying to be the one that blows things off and just kind of "rolls with the punches," but it gets to be too much sometimes... And today I don't really know which way I'm going.  People can be cruel and selfish, sometimes...

Keep moving forward, right?

After Hannah was sick for four days, we are slowly recovering.  And I do mean slowly.  Her appetite is back, but her attitude stinks and she is acting like a sick kid still, mostly whining her way to get what she wants.  Kids...

Austin is out, due to no sitter.  Arizona has been pushed back till march and Corpus is still on for mid-February.  But, other than that... All is on track.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

It was a great holiday season

So, I wouldn't normally post a bunch of pics about stuff that I've received as presents, but they kind of just make me happy, so I thought I would "show off" some of my new toys.  There was more, but who has time to post pics of all the stuff they got?  I'm already late for bed.  And YES, I have a bed-time.  


The truth of the matter is..

That I'm still sore from Pole Dancin' and that was on Friday.  I have the bruises to prove it, too.  
I had one of the best nights on Friday.  It was great.
I'm thinking about my friend who is having surgery tomorrow.  I'm concerned.  I say it like a mother... 
I look forward to taking Hannah to see Olivia the Pig on Saturday at Northpark Mall
I am anxiously awaiting PNO with Jamie on Friday from 7:30-10:30.  We don't get many "date nights" around here and I can't remember when the last one was, although our plans aren't anything spectacular... We get to have an uninterrupted meal at Spiral, go to Happy Hour at our local bar, possibly try and use some of the new cameras I got for Christmas and basically just enjoy our time together.
I slightly dread filling out paperwork for the Alternative Teacher Certification Program I'm going to apply to.  I do look forward to having Jenny Lou helping me with the paperwork and possibly doing it over dessert.  What do you say Jenny?  Sunday?  
Oh!!!! The other dreadful thing... Dealing with school loan junk.  What a pain in the ass this is.  
The discussion of moving to a new place is on the front.  Not to the McMansion that some or all of us dream of, but a home with a yard, a larger kitchen, three bedrooms, a porch,some character, good bones, charm and empty, waiting for a family to move into it. Let's hope it all works out.  It could be happening in a month and a half!!!
Possibly planning a mani/pedi date with a girlfriend or two???? Just because we aren't wearing flip-flops everyday doesn't mean that we should ignore our feet, ladies!!!
Planning a trip to Austin at the end of the month is getting close.  It all depends on that pesky thing called babysitting... Where is a "Real" Grandmother when you need it?
Okay, so my good friend Suzy is turning 32 on January 26th and for her birthday we (meaning she, Jamie and myself) are going to see Flickerstick at HOB.  I'm sure it will be... Interesting.  
Onward to more shows, Corpus in February, finally receiving my diploma, more Happy Hour trips, perfecting being vegan, dieting, pole and lap dancing with Jenny (???), quitting this job, having money AGAIN, and life... As usual.

Looking forward

What I look forward to everyday:

-Getting completely ready for the day, only to realize that I have to go to work...
-Hannah's face when I go into her room to wake her up
-That morning kiss that Jamie and I share before he leaves to start his day
-The sun setting as I drive to pick up Jamie
-Alone time in the car, totally blasting my ipod
-Warm socks and comfy pajamas
-A moment of silence
-Cooking dinner with Jamie

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I don't think I've ever done resolutions... I'm not sure if I want to do a Resolutions list for 2009, but I would like to put some things into perspective.

*Drink more water
*Continue to eat lots of fruit and vegetables
*Watch my language (Gotta watch out because Hannah is like a sponge)
*Travel (Arizona, California and back to New York in the Fall)
*Save money
*Keep a tidy desk
*Make a truly SMART move (weighing ALL the options)
*Spend less money on going out to eat
*Continue to lose weight (But, not be totally obsessed with it)
*Exercise (it will more than likely be a dance class, but I would like to try Yoga too)
*Continue to spend the weekends as a family
*Ride my bike more
*Learn to forgive but NEVER forget
*Wash my face at night and wear moisturizer at night ( I only have one face, gotta take care of it)
*Pear down my closet and be smart about future purchases.  Don't buy on impulse
*Support Jamie in his personal endeavors 
*Continue to be a good friend to those that have been good to me
*Love more and spend less time being angry and holding grudges
*Be sensible about how much television I watch

That's about it...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The good, the bad and the ugly

Highlights of 2008:

*Graduating from college
*Moving (which meant getting rid of A LOT of stuff)
*Celebrating our 7 year Wedding Anniversary
*Celebrating our 10 Year Anniversary of being together
*Discovering the beauty of expensive jeans
*Celebrating Hannah's 2nd Birthday
*Visiting Austin
*Making up with old friends (You're my someone too... You really are ;-) )
*All of the great friends that have been there for me throughout this year (Debi, Becky, Suzy, Jenny and Elizabeth)
*Hannah as Foofa for Halloween
*Many tattoos
*Making new friends
*Owning a scooter

*C & S living in Corpus 
*Friend fall-outs
*Jamie being sick more times than I can count
*Only having one car
*Spending all of our extra money going to Austin
*High electric bills, AGAIN!

Honorable Mentions:
*Josh urban-camping
*Belgium (For Jamie) I'll always have pictures
*losing weight
*New music

I look forward to 2009.  It is already shaping up to be a busy year so far...