Tuesday, May 20, 2008

It was just one of those things

After Jamie and I spent our dinner on our "stoop" enjoying a loving meal, which consisted of Spanikopita, hummus, pita and falafel (the falafel was mostly for Jamie), we decided to watch a movie.  I let Jamie pick, it may have been his turn.  I wasn't sure, but I let him pick because I know it makes him happy.  He chose a documentary, which one was the problem.  We settled on Earthlings.  I'm not sure who recommended it, but we thought it would be good.  I vaguely remember reading about it with Jamie and we thought, "It sounded interesting."

I would almost say, "If you love animals, DON'T watch it!"  But, then when I really think about it, "If you love animals, you SHOULD watch it."  I have never seen anything more moving, eye-opening, outrageous, revolting, painful, tearful or sad.  I cried like a baby in the first fifteen minutes.  I left the room twice and was convinced that I "Couldn't watch anymore," more times than I thought possible in an hour and a half movie.  I made it through it and once it was over and we put the computer away, he said, "I'm proud that you made it through all of it."  

Here check it out.  I'm warning you, have a box of tissue near you.  You will need it.  

Thursday, May 15, 2008

New obessions...

I can't get enough of Gardetto's and their Special Request issue of just Rye Chips!  I think the entire family feels the same way.

School is over and I'm enjoying some time off from the same ol' rigamaroll.  Although, summer school does start May 27th... The idea of this being my last two classes to graduate makes me absolutely giddy.  Hooray!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I've got a secret...

I like watching The Hills.  SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH